WARNING: New versions of Amaster are not compatible with older data files. If you have been using an older version of Amaster, the registered version will convert your existing files to the new format. The shareware version does NOT convert your existing data! INSTALLING: Copy these files to your hard disk (preferably into a sub- directory called "AMASTER"). A simple batch file called am.bat has been provided to run amaster. Place this file in your root directory or a directory in your path. If you are using DOS 5.0 and use the "DOS=HIGH" command, you may occassionaly see the message "packed file corrupt". If this happens, change the line in am.bat that calls amaster to "Loadfix Amaster". MANUAL CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS: The following list contains the correct merge field definitions for Amaster version 1.06. Please use these values in place of those on page 14. 1 Name (First & Last) 2 First Name 3 Last Name 4 Company 5 Address Line 1 6 Address Line 2 7 City, ST ZIP 8 Home Phone 9 Work Phone 10 Fax Phone 11 Birthdate 12 Anniversary 13 Group 1 14 Group 1 Description 15 Group 2 16 Group 2 Description 17 Notes TIPS & TRICKS: Pressing the first letter of a menu option will jump the cursor to that option. When entering birthdates, if you do not know the year, you can leave it blank and only enter the month and day. Amaster will then display ??? for the age in the display by birthdate table. UPDATE HISTORY: Version 1.06 (12/12/91) New shipping label option in the printing menu. This option will print shipping labels of selected records or entire groups of records using the information in the configuration screen as a return address. These labels are formatted for standard 4" X 2 15/16" shipping labels. New return address option in the printing menu. This option will print return address labels (you can specify 1 - 256) using the information in the configuration screen. These labels are formatted for standard 3 1/2" X 15/16" mailing labels. Version 1.05B (11/19/91) Significantly improved the merging facility resulting in 650% faster merges!! Version 1.05 (11/15/91) Added a new automated, menu driven, installation procedure (registered version only). Added a record counter to all of the display tables. Fixed a bug in the auto-dialer that prevented it from dialing when the record contained a company name but not a person's name. Version 1.04 (11/03/91) Added an additional company field. Added a second group field Labels can now be printed by ZipCode to take advantage of presorted mail discounts. Merge facility has been improved. Version 1.03à (08/03/91) Added an additional field for a second address line. Can now fill out the registration form from within Amaster. Built in setup utility replaces previous external utility. Fixed a bug in the dialing display that would advance to the next record after dialing. Volume control now affects a call that has been placed on hold also. Version 1.02á (06/27/91) Fixed a printing bug that occurred in the display by birthday table. New Enhanced screen blanking. Now displays a randomly moving message informing you that the screen is blanked and how to restore it. Version 1.01 (06/23/91) fixes a problem with V1.0 that left in trailing spaces when merging into WP. Files included with Amaster: Amaster.exe - program file Amprint.exe - printing module Amaster.hlp - help screens Amaster.doc - The documents to Amaster Info.* - Data files used to store the records and keys Group.* - Data files used to store the user defined groups Reg_info.* - Data Files used to store the registration form Env. - A sample envelope template for merging in WP Formltr. - A sample form letter & envelope template for merging in WP Premerge.exe - A utility program which prepares files for merging Am.bat - A plain vanilla batch file for starting Amaster Readme.txt - This file Readme.bat - A batch file for viewing the readme.dat file Features.txt - A list of Amaster's features This Share-Ware version of Amaster may be distributed freely (files must be unmodified!!) - No payment may be accepted for this program without the expressed written consent of Sun Mountain Technologies. Please note: this software is being released as shareware. Under the shareware concept, you may use this software for a trial period not to exceed 30 days. If after this time you determine that you would like to keep this program, you are required to register it!!! R E G I S T E R I N G : Who should register: Anyone who finds this program useful, or uses it for over 30 days, or would like to receive the benefits of registering (see below). BENEFITS OF REGISTERING: 1) - Access to the configuration menu. 2) - Full use of the Auto-Dialer and the shipping label and return address label options. 3) - You will receive the latest version and a printed manual(optional for an additional charge). 4) - You will receive news of updates to Amaster and other SMT software releases. 5) - You will receive access to Sun Mountain Technologies electronic bulletin board with access to tech. support and the latest versions of SMT products. 6) - You will receive discounts on SMT computer systems and equipment that will more than make up for the cost of registering. 7) - You help ensure that this product will continue to be developed. 8) - I will feel better about having spent all those late nights writing the 7683 lines of high level code (116 printed pages) that were required to bring this program to you. HOW TO REGISTER: New to 1.03à and above versions is a built in registration form. From the main menu select utilities and then registration form. Please answer all of the questions as future changes to Amaster will be based upon the information we receive. When you have completed the form, press F4 to print the registration form and mail it and your check to: Sun Mountain Technologies 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Suite E4-194 Boulder, CO 80302